Optimize your page

Now that' we have our company pages built, now its time to get our pages optimized. Here we’ll dive into the practical steps to help you stand out and maximize the page’s potential to ensure we have a polished, professional and well to do image.

Your Banner Image: Make a Strong First Impression

The banner image is prime real estate on your LinkedIn company page. You can use this space to convey a number of different things, keeping it static (the same over time), or dynamic (e.g., periodically changes to promote upcoming events).

Make sure the image is clear, concise, and communicates what you want visitors to know. There should be no doubt as to what the banner is trying to display. If it is to know who your Chapter is at a glance, make sure the messaging corresponds with that. Ask yourself, Does my banner reflect what our chapter stands for? For instance, an image of a city skyline might look nice, but does it represent the message you’re trying to put out? What does a city skyline represent anyway? Maybe you’re highlighting where your Chapter is from? That may seem logical if ALL chapter members are from that particular city or are you missing some people not from there?

Keep it simple, avoid overcrowding it with too much text or overly complex images. A busy banner can overwhelm visitors and make it hard to focus on what’s important. Simplicity ensures your message stands out clearly. Remember, less is often more when it comes to design.

It’s tempting to go all out on design or change your banner frequently, but it’s important to strike a balance. Too much complexity can detract from your core message, and constantly updating the banner may confuse visitors. Instead, opt for a design that can serve you well for an extended period—something timeless and in tune with your chapter’s identity. This will also save you time, letting you focus on other important chapter tasks without feeling like you constantly need to refresh your page.

When is all said and done, the most important thing is that you have something to fill this space. Leaving your banner space blank is a missed opportunity to communicate who you are. At a minimum, make sure there is a banner image in place—this helps your page look complete and professional. A blank space gives the impression of an unfinished or inactive page, which is not the message you want to send to prospective members or partners.

A really great simple to use banner is provided by Society via the Chapter Communities Marketing Kit (example below). To download them for free (assuming you are a Chapter leader):

  1. Go assp.org/login and then head to Chapter Leader Resources under Membership

  2. Click on Chapter Communities Marketing Kit on the left sidebar

  3. Scroll down until you see Social Media Banners under Marketing Kit Collateral.

  4. Download that .zip file and find the image you like the best. They are named according to what platform they are designed for (i.e., the sizing is different).

Example of a LinkedIn banner that Society provides via their Marketing Kit Collateral

Example of the Region VI customized banner that gives it a bit more flavor and individualism that a generic ASSP one.

Your Page’s Profile Photo

A polished and professional logo or chapter image is key. Avoid blurry or outdated images. This image reflects your chapter’s professionalism, so make sure it looks sharp! Whether you're featuring your chapter's logo or a professional safety image, ensure it's high-quality and consistent with your chapter’s identity. My suggestion would to be default using your Chapter’s logo. Branding wise, that keeps everything consistent and its the easiest way someone can recognize where they are. Here is an example of the Greater Tidewater Chapter’s use of their customized (and Society approved) Chapter logo as their profile photo.

You can see the customized logo here in their profile picture gives this a great way to stand out from the crowd. How would you rate their use of their banner? What is their banner telling you?

3. Your Tagline: Be Clear and Impactful

The tagline is your chance to clearly convey what your chapter offers. The tagline is the one sentence that goes directly underneath your profile image that gives whoever lands on your page a brief about it. Avoid vague or overly complex descriptions. Instead, focus on who you serve (your members) and what they can expect by following your page. For example: “Advancing safety leadership in [your area] through education, networking, and community.” If you have a Chapter mission statement, that may be a good idea for a tagline as well.

The tagline is meant to relay the value you bring and induce a sense of curiosity to what to get involved. In the simple example we already used, advancing is part of the value we bring as a coalition of volunteers helping lead that charge. We also bring value through the education, networking and community environment we foster. Curiosity wise, one may see “safety leadership” and be intrigued on how they may be able to become a better safety leader. If leadership is something they wish to do, this may be enough to peak their curiosity enough to keep scrolling. This is a simple example and one you will probably want to tweak yourself but the point remains: communicate the value you bring and nab at their curiosity to get them to keep scrolling and explore us more.

4. Featured Section

Use the featured section to guide visitors to key resources or events. This is where you can link to your chapter's upcoming seminars, important safety campaigns, or even your latest newsletter! Drive traffic to your website, registration pages, or other channels where your members can engage further.

Don't just showcase your best LinkedIn posts. Use this section to direct members to take action—whether it’s registering for a webinar, signing up for a course, or joining a safety discussion. This section allows anything you want to be highlighted to show up at the top of your profile page. To feature something, it has to be something you have already posted to your page, i.e., an event, regular post, newsletter etc. You cannot feature something you haven’t yet posted to your page. To do this, go into your page as an admin, then click on Edit page on the bottom left hand corner of the side bar, then “Featured”.

5. About Section: Tell Your Chapter’s Story

The About section is your chance to share your chapter’s mission and vision. Tell the story of your chapter—what’s your purpose, and how do you support safety professionals in your region? Some good ideas are to include your chapter’s milestones, achievements, and future goals. This is where visitors can truly connect with the heart of your mission and see the value in being part of your community.

See you next week 🙋🏻‍♂️

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Leveraging LinkedIn credits


Tips for naming your page