Let’s talk about building your EHS strategy.

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EHS is a puzzle not a problem.

Some of us believe EHS is a problem to solve. I approach it as a puzzle. A complicated array of pieces that have to be carefully aligned for everything to fit. Without having a strategy behind EHS, your aimlessly trying to match pieces with just a hope things will work out.

Strategy is the foundation of excellence

Strategy is not merely a buzzword; it is the bedrock of every decision, action, and goal an organization sets. It defines the 'why' and 'how' of what we do. In the context of workplace safety and health, an EHS strategy is the compass that not only points to the North Star of excellence but also provides the roadmap for getting there.

Building Your EHS Strategy

Does EHS contribute to the overall corporate objectives?

If it doesn't, then why are you spending your time and money on it?

Better yet, if you can't clearly articulate how exactly it contributes to the overall objectives, when why are you spending time on it?  Where does your EHS program fit in to the big picture and what is your strategy to win?

In my course, I will take you through the essential information you will need to understand where your program is, where it fits in with the overall corporation's mission and ensure you are aligned to it.  I do this by taking you through my 3 stage approach to developing a strategy for your internal EHS organization: Analyzing your position, Building the strategy and executing.

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Every Sunday morning I give you actionable strategic advice that can be immediately implemented at your workplace.

Courses and Offerings

My featured course: Building Your EHS Strategy is ready for you to complete today.  There is also a list of other great offerings applicable to your needs.

Advice and Counsel

Whether you need a little or a lot of help with your safety and health management system or programs, I can customize my service according to your needs. After an initial discussion of your needs, together we can identify what you need and where to focus your efforts so you can maintain compliance, keep your costs down and put you in a place for long term management.

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