Building Your EHS Strategy

The tools, techniques and frameworks to analyze, build and execute strategy. Elevate your ability to be a strategic business partner

Stop wandering in the dark without a clear direction.  Resources for building strategy for an internal support service organization are almost non-existent, until now.

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I help internal occupational safety and environmental health organizations build and execute on strategy. Over the last decade I've worked with businesses to improve their worker safety and well-being programs. I've consulted businesses on practices ranging from environment, social and governance initiatives to culture to using analytics to make business decisions. I hold both a bachelors in Occupational Safety and Health and a Masters in Business Administration concentrated in Business Analytics.

What’s inside the course

  • The analyze section is the meat of the course and where we will spend a lot of time. We will perform four distinct types of analyses focusing on different areas all to give us the information we need to identify what our strategy should be.

  • Using everything we've gathered in Analyze, we'll use the Strategy Choices Cascade to give us a very clear and concise roadmap for strategy. This section goes into depth on each of the five questions asked within the cascade.

  • Just because you have a strategy doesn't mean its going to work without sound execution. We'll discuss building your targeted audience, communicating, pitching and sticking to your strategy.


  • If your an EHS professional, someone acting in that role, or anyone in a support services function of a company, this is for you. Maybe you're a consultant, you need a strategy all the same. This is for anyone who wants to learn how to bring the most of our your team with the best, most targeted ideas that will lead you to win.

  • The tools, frameworks and guidance for analyzing, building and executing, strategy. I focus on delivering this for internal service providers rather than entire companies. Strategy is often talked about for an entire corporation or business unit, but rarely a functional group.

  • A few things. First, this isn't my primary gig so I am able to keep costs much lower than what they normally would be for a course like this. We all have a lot of expenses and I believe the course is priced appropriately both for its value with the resources and knowledge you get and recognizing the time and money I spent to deliver it to you.

  • Like anything else, you will get out of it what you put into it. The more you utilize the tools and frameworks in the Analyze section the stronger your end strategy will become. If you half ass it, your end product will reflect it. You can have a strategy soon but it will rely on you and your support staff to see it through to the end.

  • Click the Start Now button at the top of bottom of this page to get started instantly. Start analyzing and building today!

  • Not sure you are ready to buy the full course yet? Get your feet wet with this free preview. This gives you the uncut course introduction that is the full Part 1 of the course!